« Can I Really Make a Difference with My Will ? »
In short, yes. By leaving a gift to The Gatineau Health Foundation in your Will you can make a bigger contribution than you ever thought possible to better health care and social services here in our region.
Some donors think they need to be wealthy to make a gift to charity in their Will Actually, no matter the size of your estate, you can be a part of this powerful movement for change.
Your Will can be a powerful tool for creating change in the world. By leaving a gift to the Gatineau Health Foundation in your Will you can have a much bigger impact than you ever imagined.
Unfortunately, only 5% of Canadians take this step. Why? There are 5 common myths that typically get in the way of people exercising their Will power.
Learn more about the 5 Common Myths that Get in the Way of Your Will Power and watch Louise Poirier’s testimonial (french only).
Je donne annuellement à la Fondation Santé Gatineau depuis de nombreuses années.
Mon défunt conjoint a eu besoin des soins du Centre de santé et de services sociaux de l’Outaouais. Il a dû être hospitalisé et a été très bien traité par le personnel de l’hôpital.
Après son décès, en reconnaissance des bons soins qu’il avait reçus, j’en suis venue à la conclusion que je devais en faire plus.
J’ai eu une longue et belle carrière ici en Outaouais et je trouve important de redonner afin que les membres de notre communauté aient accès à de bons soins de santé et de services sociaux.
Étant donné que les revenus de mon fonds de retraite me permettent de subvenir à mes besoins, il s’avère que je n’ai pas besoin de l’argent de mes RÉER alors je l’utilise pour faire mes contributions annuelles à la Fondation Santé Gatineau et cela me procure également d’importants crédits d’impôt.
Il y a quelques années, en réfléchissant à mon plan successoral, j’ai décidé que je désirerais continuer à appuyer la cause qui me tient tellement à cœur même lorsque j’aurai quitté ce monde, J’ai alors informé la Fondation Santé Gatineau qu’elle serait bénéficiaire d’un legs testamentaire. Cela me procure une grande satisfaction et un sentiment de devoir accompli.
– Donatrice anonyme
If you don’t have your health, everything else is secondary… A cancer at the age of 28 reminded me of this in a brutal way. When that kind of disease comes into your life, it has a way of forcing you to reconsider all your priorities. I realized that what mattered most to me was health, my relationship, financial security, personal and professional achievements, and mutual aid.
There was a time when I used to think that our taxes were surely more than enough to fund our health care system. I now know that while taxes may be enough to ensure the most basic services, this financing is becoming less and less viable given the enormous financial pressures our system is facing. I still benefit from our publicly funded health services, and it is my deeply held conviction that we must continue to improve the availability and quality of those services. I’ve seen that donations make a huge difference, including increasing efficiency and range of services and taking advantage of the best technology.
For these reasons, I have made it a habit to donate every year to the Fondation Santé Gatineau.
About ten years ago, I realized that I could use my will to do even more… to make a big difference by bequeathing a percentage of my net estate to the Gatineau Health Foundation and thus continue to support the Centre de santé et de services sociaux de l’Outaouais.
My parents have taught me that if an issue is really important to you, just talking about it is not enough — you need to act on it. My decision to include a gift in my will to an organization like the Gatineau Health Foundation that improves our quality of life gives me comfort that my gesture will have an impact on the health and social services offered to future generations.
– Jean Tourigny, donor and board member, Gatineau Health Foundation